The philosophy of “Da Vite a Vite” is a winning choice for the future of wine and its distribution. Since some markets, especially the Italian one, still struggle to recognize its merits, it is important to highlight some high-lights that can change the perception of this pack proposal among consumers.
A contemporary plus and now at the center of public attention is the ecological factor, particularly valid when it comes to conveying various positive aspects of a product. Thus, abandoning cork in favor of an alternative that does not waste an increasingly rare and precious natural resource can become a strength on which to base the entire communication system.
Another fundamental factor is the definitive resolution of a crucial problem for a wine consumer: cork taint. The use of screw caps, by their very structure, guarantees the perfect preservation of the wine’s aroma.
Both of these factors are presented on an illustration flag of the new Sant’Orsola pack, with a small and ironic note that tells the story of the wine’s journey from the vine to the screw cap.